I'm not quite sure why you and daddy find it so bizarre that I'm constantly checking myself out and scrutinising my own reflection. You refer to me as your drama queen and diva, but I can't change the fact that I'm just so good looking and when that charming little man in the mirror wants to play, how can I resist!? Besides, you should be grateful that I'm my own source of cheap, endless entertainment.
You may have noticed that any bright and shiny surface can capture my undivided attention. I'm able to analyse myself in a drinking glass, pull crazy faces at closed windows, dissect my emotions in a car door and eyeball my shifty counterpart as he ogles me from the toaster. Even my own shadow can dazzle and delight me for hours.
Mummy, I suspect that you think I'm, sometimes, very melodramatic and destined to become a famous thespian or stage entertainer. I wanted to write to you and explain that I simply find it beneficial to practice contorting my face to discover exactly how far my bottom lip can protrude or how many wrinkles I can form when I craft a serious frown. It's also amusing to see, through squinted eyes, how wide my toothy grin can stretch or how my tongue pokes out, flops around and does weird tricks.
I believe it's extremely educational to watch myself in a tinted door, so I can witness how sensational I look as I push nonchalantly past on my scooter or how debonair I appear mounted on my hobby horse.
Interrogating my reflection also assists me in evaluating my raspberry blowing techniques or improving my tactics to generate spit bubbles.
It's great to have a little friend who copies everything I do. The most compelling part is being able to facilitate interesting conversations with myself. Mummy, I hope you realise that I can hear you and Daddy both giggle when I repeat words such as, "No", to my mirror image whilst trying to find a suitable manipulative expression and decibel level. It's serious business trying to exercise my vocal chords, quiver my lips and transform expressions, to be able to access a whole new range of different tones and emotional moods. I'd really appreciate it if you kept it down during this process as it can be quite distracting ... from myself.
Anyway, I just wanted to reassure you that my behaviour is totally justified and should not be of any major concern or referred to as 'obsessive' or labelled 'dramatic'. In fact, examining reflections, specifically my own, is a fascinating occupation which is extremely educational and highly entertaining. I strongly encourage you try it with me sometime.
Love Linc xoxo
My Spiderman Outfit (Temporarily on loan from Ollie!) |
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